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Extension Permissions

If a permission requires access to system APIs such as clipboard, file system, etc., the extension must declare the permission in the package.json file, under kunkun.permissions field. Go to Manifest Validator to experiment with the permissions.

The requested permissions will be shown to the user when the extension is installed.

Here is a list of all permissions and their descriptions. Some permissions are scoped (e.g. file system API has limited access to certain directories declared in the manifest). To learn how to use them, read the API documentation.


  • system:volumn
    • Allows access to control system volume
  • system:boot
    • Allows sleep, restart, logout and shutdown, etc.
  • system:disk
    • Allows access to control disk (e.g. eject)
  • system:apps
    • Allows access to applications (e.g. find frontmost app, kill app)
  • system:fs
    • Allows access to the clean trash, get selected files
  • system:ui
    • Allows access to system UI components
  • system-info:all
    • Allows access to all system information
  • system-info:memory
    • Allows access to system memory information
  • system-info:cpu
    • Allows access to system CPU information
  • system-info:os
    • Allows access to operating system information
  • system-info:disk
    • Allows access to disk information
  • system-info:network
    • Allows access to network information
  • system-info:battery
    • Allows access to battery information
  • system-info:process
    • Allows access to process information
  • system-info:components
    • Allows access to system components information


  • clipboard:read-all
    • Allows reading all clipboard data
  • clipboard:write-all
    • Allows writing all clipboard data
  • clipboard:read-text
    • Allows reading text/html/rtf from the clipboard
  • clipboard:write-text
    • Allows writing text/html/rtf to the clipboard
  • clipboard:read-image
    • Allows reading images from the clipboard
  • clipboard:write-image
    • Allows writing images to the clipboard
  • clipboard:read-files
    • Allows reading copied files from the clipboard
  • clipboard:write-files
    • Allows writing files to the clipboard


  • dialog:all
    • Allows access to system dialog APIs, e.g. confirm, save, open, etc.


  • notification:all
    • Allows sending system notifications


  • os:all
    • Allows access to all operating system information


  • shell:open
    • Allows opening shell commands
  • shell:execute
    • Allows executing shell commands
  • shell:spawn
    • Allow spawning a new process and listen to the streaming of its output
  • shell:kill
    • Allows killing processes by pid. Need this to kill the process you started.
  • shell:all
    • Grant all shell related permissions. Path scope and args regex validation is still required.
  • shell:stdin-write
    • Allows writing to a command created.
  • shell:deno:execute
    • Allows executing deno script
  • shell:deno:spawn
    • Allow spawning a new deno process and listen to the streaming of its output


  • fetch:all
    • Allows making network requests


  • system-info:all
    • Allows access to all system information
  • system-info:memory
    • Allows access to system memory information
  • system-info:cpu
    • Allows access to system CPU information
  • system-info:os
    • Allows access to operating system information
  • system-info:disk
    • Allows access to disk information
  • system-info:network
    • Allows access to network information
  • system-info:battery
    • Allows access to battery information
  • system-info:process
    • Allows access to process information
  • system-info:components
    • Allows access to system components information


  • network:interface
    • Allows access to network interface information
  • network:port
    • Allows access to network port information


  • updownload:download
    • Allows downloading files
  • updownload:upload
    • Allows uploading files


  • fs:search
    • Allows searching files in the file system
  • fs:read
    • Allows reading files from the file system
  • fs:read-dir
    • Allows reading directories from the file system. Permissions to read files not granted, must be declared separately
  • fs:write
    • Allows writing files to the file system
  • fs:exists
    • Allows checking if a file exists in the file system
  • fs:stat
    • Allows getting file metadata from the file system


  • open:url
    • Open URLs
  • open:file
    • Open Files
  • open:folder
    • Open Folders


  • event:drag-drop
    • Listen to file drop event
  • event:drag-enter
    • Listen to drag enter event
  • event:drag-leave
    • Listen to drag leave event
  • event:drag-over
    • Listen to drag over event
  • event:window-blur
    • Listen to window blur event
  • event:window-close-requested
    • Listen to window close requested event
  • event:window-focus
    • Listen to window focus event