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Deno provides an API to run JavaScript/TypeScript in non-browser environment with more access to system resources, but still within a sandbox.

API and Permissions

All Deno permissions must be explicitly declared in package.json.

DenoCommand works similarly to a regular shell Command. It can be created with shell.createDenoCommand.

The returned DenoCommand object has execute and spawn methods.

To run a Deno command, you need the following scoped permissions:

  • shell:deno:execute
  • shell:deno:spawn

Sample Code

Transform Image with Sharp

In this sample, we will transform an image with sharp, which is not runnable in browser.

Suppose we have a template worker extension project with the following structure:

  • Directorysrc
    • deno-script.ts
    • index.ts

index.ts is the entrypoint to the extension command, deno-script.ts is a script that will be executed by Deno.

import { parseArgs } from "jsr:@std/cli/parse-args"
import sharp from "npm:sharp"
const args = parseArgs(Deno.args)
const input = args.i
const output = args.o
sharp(input).blur(10).resize(300, 300).toFile(output)

The deno script above is very simple, it takes in an input image path and output image path, then apply blur and resize and save to output path.

To run this sample directly with deno:

Terminal window
deno run --allow-ffi \
--allow-env=npm_package_config_libvips,CWD \
--allow-read=/Users/user/Desktop/avatar.png src/deno-script.ts \
-i ~/Desktop/avatar.png -o ~/Desktop/avatar.jpeg

In the command above, we need to grant fine-grained permissions to Deno. It’s not a good idea to run Deno with all permissions.

In the following sample code, we will use shell.createDenoCommand to create a Deno command with permission settings.

import { shell, path, WorkerExtension } from "@kksh/api/ui/worker"
class ExtensionTemplate extends WorkerExtension {
async load() {
const denoCmd = shell.createDenoCommand(
["-i=./avatar.png", "-o=./avatar-blur.jpeg"],
allowEnv: ["npm_package_config_libvips", "CWD"],
allowRead: ["$DESKTOP"],
allowAllFfi: true,
cwd: await path.desktopDir()
const denoRes = await denoCmd.execute()
console.log("stdout", denoRes.stdout)

The above TypeScript code sets CWD to the desktop directory, but you don’t have to. You can always just compute the absolute path for the input and output file.

$EXTENSION was used to refer to the directory of the extension. It will be translated to the real path of your extension root at runtime.

$DESKTOP is also a path alias that will be translated to the real path of your desktop at runtime. You can find other path aliases in file system API.

Permissions in package.json

To ensure that an extension operates within a restricted scope, it must declare the necessary permissions in the package.json file. This step prevents the extension from executing any code beyond the predefined limits.

"permissions": [
"permission": "shell:deno:execute",
"allow": [
"path": "$EXTENSION/src/deno-script.ts",
"env": ["npm_package_config_libvips", "CWD"],
"ffi": "*",
"read": ["$DESKTOP"]

path is the path to the deno script to execute.

The rest of the permissions are from Deno permissions.

  • net
  • env
  • read
  • write
  • run
  • ffi
  • sys

They are string[] or "*", when set to "*", it allows all.

For example, setting "read": "*" allows setting allowAllRead to true in shell.createDenoCommand, and will be translated to --allow-read in the code execution.

Setting "read": ["$DESKTOP"] allows you to set allowRead: ["$DESKTOP"] in shell.createDenoCommand, and will be translated to --allow-read=/Users/user/Desktop in the code execution.