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System API contains commands to control the system.

This is a work in progress, some APIs are not yet implemented.

Required Permissions

  • openTrash: [ ]
  • emptyTrash: [ system:fs ]
  • shutdown: [ system:boot ]
  • reboot: [ system:boot ]
  • sleep: [ system:boot ]
  • toggleSystemAppearance: [ system:ui ]
  • showDesktop: [ system:ui ]
  • quitAllApps: [ system:apps ]
  • sleepDisplays: [ system:boot ]
  • setVolume: [ system:volumn ]
  • setVolumeTo0: [ system:volumn ]
  • setVolumeTo25: [ system:volumn ]
  • setVolumeTo50: [ system:volumn ]
  • setVolumeTo75: [ system:volumn ]
  • setVolumeTo100: [ system:volumn ]
  • turnVolumeUp: [ system:volumn ]
  • turnVolumeDown: [ system:volumn ]
  • toggleStageManager: [ system:ui ]
  • toggleBluetooth: [ ]
  • toggleHiddenFiles: [ system:ui ]
  • ejectAllDisks: [ system:disk ]
  • logoutUser: [ system:boot ]
  • toggleMute: [ system:volumn ]
  • mute: [ system:volumn ]
  • unmute: [ system:volumn ]
  • getFrontmostApp: [ system:apps ]
  • hideAllAppsExceptFrontmost: [ system:apps ]
  • getSelectedFilesInFileExplorer: [ system:fs ]